Online Cannabis Dispensary IN Chattanooga, TN
Cannabidiol is a proven and natural remedy to different ailments and medical conditions. It is not helping humans but their furry companions as well in relieving symptoms of chronic pain. Cannabidiol is actually one of the hundreds of derivatives of cannabinoids derived from natural hemp or cannabis plant. A very common misconception related to the derivatives of cannabis is that they cause ‘mental high’ just like marijuana does. But Cannabidiol does not cause ‘mental high’ and is free of psychoactive properties. And because it does not cause ‘mental high’, Cannabidiol is the best alternative to anxiety and depression drugs that have psychoactive side effects. The effect of Cannabidiol greatly depends on its source, and that is why you should do some research before trying out just any online or local source of CBD. That being said, EarthE has been in the field for quite a long time and is giving its customers the best services in the area so far.
Here is why EarthE CBD is different from just any source of CBD products,
No doubt Cannabidiol has got much attention and approval from all around the globe due to its immensely increasing popularity and the satisfaction it provides to its customers. So, it would not be wrong to say that the market is flooded with CBD products, and it is very common to find substandard companies and products. And to stay away from such scammers you need to know what properties do the high-quality CBD products possess, which are:
Natural Grown Hemp
Hemp that is grown naturally without additives is actually the best source of Cannabidiol, and so are the products made from it. Companies that sell naturally grown hemp have a certification, so you can easily check if the product you are buying is made from a natural source or not.
Extraction Method
And at EarthE CBD, the CO2 method is used which is not only the safest method but is a clean procedure that leads to an end product free of additives and residues.
The second most important thing to check the quality of the product is the extraction method. The best method known so far is the CO2 method. You will find many companies online which will be using the chemical methods of CBD extraction, do not overlook the fact that residues and chemical additives can have harmful effects on you.
Check Product Labels to Check the Amount of CBD
All reputable CBD selling companies and manufacturers will not forget to display the concentration of CBD on the product label. So, if you don’t find any concentration of amount mention, it’s a sign that something is not right about the product. Concentration is usually written in milligrams on the bottle of CBD product that you are buying, doesn’t matter if it’s oil or some CBD edibles.
One more thing, the sufficient concentration of CBD oil per 10ml bottle, ranges from 500 to 2000mg. If you find a product with less or more concentration, better consider it again before buying.
THC is less than 0.3%
Cannabidiol is legal in states only if the product contains THC lower than 0.3%. THC is basically another derivative of cannabis, which possesses psychotropic properties. A slight increase in the percentage of THC can actually make the product illegal. At EarthE CBD it is made sure that the percentage of THC is considerably less and the products stick to the legal values.
Independent Test Results
These test results are displayed on our products and are placed on the inside of the CBD products. When it comes to independent lab results, not just EarthE CBD but only the reputable brands have their products tested from the labs. These were some of the crucial facts that you must consider before buying products from cannabis dispensary
Why EarthE CBD Stands Out When it Comes to CBD Products?
Well the founder of EarthE CBD, Scott Carlino is actually a food scientist, and he suffered from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). Thus, he shares his pain with all the people with anxiety and depression out there. People with OCD can never take themselves out of the depression, anxiety, addictions and the fact that pharmaceutical treatments to relieve the symptoms of anxiety have innumerable side effects made Scott find an alternative that is free of the side effects and psychoactive properties.
Thus under EarthE CBD, Scott introduced an alternative which is the renowned CBD. At EarthE CBD, we share your pain and hence offer you one of the finest CBD products that speak for their high quality and authenticity.